Review for ‘Lalita Kothandapani and The Heinous Crime’ by Aruna Nambiar


Aruna Nambiar’s ‘Lalita Kothandapani and The Heinous Crime’ is a delightful journey through the quirks and quibbles of contemporary life. With her signature wit and a keen eye for the comedic, Nambiar crafts a narrative that is both engaging and endearing. The protagonist, Lalita Kothandapani, is a character you can’t help but love; her adventures are as heartwarming as they are humorous.

The story is a masterclass in short story writing, balancing the fine line between keeping the reader hooked and delivering a satisfying conclusion. Nambiar’s prose sparkles with humour and intelligence, making it impossible not to smile and chuckle along with the twists and turns of the plot.

This book is more than just a story; it reflects the generational divide, the struggles of getting published, and the ever-present challenge of navigating social media. Yet, the plot twist seals the deal, leaving you surprised and delighted.

In short, ‘Lalita Kothandapani and The Heinous Crime’ is a perfect 10—a must-read for anyone who enjoys a good laugh and a well-told tale. Here’s hoping for more adventures with the charming Lalita Kothandapani!

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